Call to Action Breakfast: Join the Movement to 80% by 2018!
Please join American Cancer Society, University of Colorado Cancer Center’s Colorado Colorectal Screening Program, the Colorado Cancer Coalition and others who work in primary care for this exciting 80% by 2018 Call to Action Breakfast!
Learn more about the State of the State of CRC screening in Colorado, screening modalities, available resources to help minimize barriers to screening and follow-up, and actionable steps that you and/or your clinic can take to help increase your screening rates. Click here to view the draft agenda.
WHEN: February 9, 2018 from 7:30am – 9:30am
WHERE: Embassy Suites – 4444 N. Havana Street Denver, CO 80239
HOSTED BY: University of Colorado Cancer Center’s Colorado Colorectal Screening Program (CCSP), American Cancer Society, and the Colorado Cancer Coalition
80% by 2018 is a National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) initiative in which more than 1,500 organizations—including medical professional societies, academic centers, survivor groups, government agencies, cancer coalitions, cancer centers, payers and many others—have committed to the shared goal of 80% of adults aged 50 and older being regularly screened for colorectal cancer by 2018.