Cancer Plan Public Comment
Instructions for Reviewing
The proposed Goals and Strategies for the 2021-2025 Cancer Plan are linked on the right. Please review them and use this link to submit your feedback. Let us know the following:
- Is there anything major that is missing from the plan?
- Is there an evidence based strategy we haven’t included that should be highlighted in the plan?
- Remember that the strategies included in the Cancer Plan are NOT meant to be all-inclusive, but should include key evidence-based or emerging/promising strategies that can be done to help reach the goal and objective.
- Members of the community may be working on strategies that aren’t listed and that is ok – it would be virtually impossible to include every single strategy.
To submit your feedback, please fill in this form by Wednesday, March 31st:
- Please be as specific as possible in your comments and feedback.
- The Cancer Plan Revision Committee will review all comments and feedback after public comment closes and provide a summary of responses and action steps taken.
Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your input!
The Cancer Plan Revision Committee
Provide Public Comment(s)
Step 1: Review the Draft
Step 2: Refer back to the 2016-2020 version if needed.
Step 3: Submit your Public Comments. Comments are due by March 31, 2021
Change Summary
What has been changed so far?
- In an effort to track the Cancer Plan progress over time, most of the goals and strategies have stayed consistent between the last Cancer Plan and the proposed current version.
- Goals 1-7 have stayed mostly the same with minor word changes and strategy additions.
- Survivorship and Quality of Life was consolidated into one Goal 8.
- Patient engagement and health literacy was renumbered to Goal 9.
First round reviewers included Colorado Cancer Coalition task forces and subject matter experts. They were asked to review the 2016-2020 Cancer Plan with the following guidance, questions to consider, and reminders:
- When considering any revisions that need to be made, remember that the emphasis should be on looking for significant gaps and not a full rewrite.
- When reviewing the GOALS AND OBJECTIVES:
- Do the overarching goals and objectives in the Cancer Plan capture the work that needs to be done from a high-level standpoint?
- When reviewing the STRATEGIES:
- Strategies included in the Cancer Plan are NOT meant to be all-inclusive.
- Consider the strategies that are included as key examples of how to accomplish the overarching objectives and goals, but they may not contain every possible strategy or activity.
- Are the current strategies listed still appropriate and timely?
- What key strategies are missing? What is duplicative? What could be combined?
- Consider the evidence behind a strategy – how do we know if it works?
- The Community Guide is a great resource to see the evidence behind suggested interventions or strategies
- If you are suggesting that we add a strategy that isn’t “evidence-based” but is considered emerging or promising, please note this in your recommendation.