Fighting Cancer with a Fork: The Big Picture

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Lone Tree 10107 RidgeGate Parkway Ste 200, Lone Tree, CO, United States

Please join us for a special presentation by Colleen Gill, Registered Dietician, CSO. For additional information or to register, please contact Crystal Fields-Burdick, LCSW, OSW-C at (303) 643-6537.


Relaxation and Quieting Your Mind

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Lone Tree 10107 RidgeGate Parkway Ste 200, Lone Tree, CO, United States

Whether you are currently receiving treatment or navigating survivorship, a diagnosis of cancer can be overwhelmingly stressful! But awareness is like the sun... When it shines on things, they are transformed! Come join us as we take a deeper look at the impact of stress on the mind and body, explore tools to lessen the […]


I’m Done with Treatment, What’s Next?

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Lone Tree 10107 RidgeGate Parkway Ste 200, Lone Tree, CO, United States

Completing cancer treatment is often exciting, stressful, and filled with new challenges and uncertainty. This 60-minute educational program will provide guidance on scheduling follow up appointments, knowing when to contact your PCP vs. oncologist, late effects that you can expect, and the emotional journey that can follow cancer treatment. For additional information or to register, […]


Living Beyond Limits: A Group for Those with Metastatic or Advanced Cancer

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Lone Tree 10107 RidgeGate Parkway Ste 200, Lone Tree, CO, United States

When you first learned you had advanced or metastatic cancer, you probably asked yourself “How did this happen?”, “How can I possibly cope?”, “Can my family handle it?” or even “What do I do now?”. Many people feel they have no one to talk to about the varying emotions and worries that emerge. You are […]


Frankly Speaking about Cancer: Treatment and Side Effects

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Lone Tree 10107 RidgeGate Parkway Ste 200, Lone Tree, CO, United States

Join us for an educational workshop where we will discuss strategies to manage treatment side effects such as fatigue, hair loss, anemia, infection and pain. Learn how to manage emotional distress and optimize quality of life during and after cancer treatment. For additional information or to register, please contact Crystal Fields-Burdick, LCSW, OSW-C at (303) […]


Living Beyond Limits: A Group for Those with Metastatic or Advanced Cancer

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Lone Tree 10107 RidgeGate Parkway Ste 200, Lone Tree, CO, United States

When you first learned you had advanced or metastatic cancer, you probably asked yourself “How did this happen?”, “How can I possibly cope?”, “Can my family handle it?” or even “What do I do now?”. Many people feel they have no one to talk to about the varying emotions and worries that emerge. You are […]
