Colon cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosis in both men and women. However, it is 90% curable if detected early! That’s why Sky Ridge Medical Center has teamed up with the American Cancer Society on its 80% by 2018 campaign to ensure that we increase the number of colonoscopies to save lives. So no butts, no excuses…get screened!
Are you putting off your colonoscopy because you don’t want to miss work? We have just made it easier with our Saturday schedule! And…we will reward you with a well-deserved breakfast treat afterward!
We will be hosting Colonoscopy Saturdays on these upcoming 2019 dates:
March 2
April 6
May 4
June 1
August 3
September 7
October 5
November 2
December 7
Simply call us at 720-225-1104 for a brief screening assessment to get you ready, review insurance, discuss prep and the day of the procedure, and schedule your appointment! Just remember to schedule a responsible adult to drive you home after the procedure.
It’s that easy to take care of YOU and those you love. So, if you just turned 50 or have been avoiding your first one (or second…or third…), call us today!
We are here for you…close to home!